My personal 10 rules for a better life! (How you can change your life for the better!)

What’s up everyone! LONG time no see! I can’t even remember the last time I posted anything in this blog!

Time has flew by! World has gone crazy and fear mongering is doing its work at its finest (you can thank tik tok for that.)

So, what have I been up to? I’m glad you asked! Well, I started a photography/videography business Clark Capital Media, I’ll make sure to add my info on that down below!

I also have ventured off into the world just exploring who I am as a person and what I really want out of life!

I’m still with my beautiful girlfriend! we’ve been together for 1 year and 9 months and I’m planning on popping the question very soon!

Also I moved into my girlfriend’s apartment and we have 2 beautiful, awesome cats named Ash and Luna!

I’m starting to realize that life is amazing! But short. In these times it’s hard to see the bright side of life when it just keeps bringing you down.

But, there’s always an upside to every downside! Today, I’m gonna help you swing your life back upwards with these 10 rules that I follow personally that I felt I needed to share with you!

If that sounds interesting, let’s get started!

Rule 1: Trust God bro

I’m a faithful believer in God and Jesus Christ, I understand that his plan is way better than my plan!

His plan is to bring abundance to your life, and to give you all of life’s blessings! All you need is a little faith!

Trust God and know that he is always looking out for your best interest! Don’t forget to pray, prayer changes things! Faith changes things! Always put God first and watch how great your life changes!

Rule 2: Write it down

We all have goals we want to achieve, and we can definitely achieve them! But what if there was a better way to accomplish them faster? Would you do it?

Writing your goals down and putting them somewhere you see them everyday is crucial!

Me personally I tape my goals to my mirror and read them everyday before work and everyday before I go to bed.

This way my mind is focused on the small victories I have to make to make my goal an accomplishment!

Rule 3: Cut the noise

With this fast paced world we live in it’s hard to keep track of how many things we have going on you have to find time to do something you enjoy!

I personally take 30 minutes sometimes an hour walking or riding around taking photos every couple days to ease my mind and get my creative flow going!

And listen, if anyone tells you they do this every single day they’re lying! Who honestly had an extra hour to spare? Am I right!

Rule 4: Do for love, not for gain

I absolutely HATE when people have to showcase how great of a person they are by recording themselves giving money or food to homeless people.

I’d rather take your phone and throw it in a lake. If you’re doing this, you’re a piece of shit. Period. I don’t care about your likes and honestly I hope more people hate you for it.

If you’re going to be a helping hand do it out of generosity, not for clout. This has become a big issue in the new societal standard that just needs to stop. Keep it between you and God.

Rule 5: Learn one new thing every week

This is why I hate influencers, making you believe you need to know everything within 3 days. COME ON! I can’t believe how much bs I hear out there.

If you want to start painting, START PAINTING! Don’t go on a month long research about the best paint, or best techniques without utilizing what you’ve learned.

Analysis Paralysis is real and it’s stopping you from hitting your potential. Set aside some time for you to learn what you want to learn!

Imagine how far you’d be if you just started now compared to still researching and analyzing a couple months from now!

Rule 6: Competition is everything

I hate the way schools are trying to make kids see competition as a bad thing. Competition is what makes you grow!

Without competition what would the world be? Just a bunch of people playing it safe? That’s boring!! Life is about competition, it’s what wakes me up in the morning!

The best competition is competition against yourself! Compete against yourself to be better than yesterday and see how far you’ll go!

Rule 7: Never follow blindly

Influence is everywhere, always make sure to do your own research before committing to any action.

Following blindly could be as simple as listening to a friends new stock pick, or choosing to buy a product you seen on TikTok. Never follow blindly!

Rule 8: Control your emotions, control your world

Emotions can be a B*TCH sometimes, and it’s equally as hard to manage them. Especially with the stresses of today.

One truck I use to control my emotions is to just breathe, analyze, think, act! Say TADA to BATA! Breathing is the most important part of this.

Breathing gives you a second to analyze, analyzing gives you a second to think and thinking gives you a second to act! Keep this in mind and control your emotions!

Rule 9: Cut the fat

When you read this you probably thought of the gym! That’s not the fat I’m talking about.

I’m talking about the fat that lurks in your life, the fat that weighs you down and stops you from your potential!

I’ve had to cut friends out of my life, even cut family out of my life! Toxic relationships are the downfall to many brilliant minds and people!

By cutting the fat out of your life, you open up new doors and opportunities in your life! This is definitely easier said than done but when done watch how your life will change!

Rule 10: Be true to who you ARE

Stop faking it playa! It’s not worth it, you will lose yourself in this fantasy version of the person you think you are.

Always without a doubt stay true to who you are! Are you goofy? Smart? Class clown? Whichever you are be true to yourself and others around you!

Look, it’s a hard life out here! Nobody ever said it would be easy.

With these 10 rules I personally use I’ve helped my life stay great for the most part! I’ve obviously had my ups and downs!

I really hope this helped you today and that it helps you in the future! Also, as promised! I will link my photography business page below!

I’m a freelance travel photographer and I always love meeting people who have read my blogs and if we can get a pic in together that would be awesome!!

God bless you all and thank you for reading till the end! 😁

Clark Capital Media ⬇️

Money talks

There’s one thing in common with most people who have money, they talk about it!

Literally all the time, it’s their second language. Call it the ROI language!

People who invest in really anything are very ROI minded, and can talk about money for hours!

ROI means Return on Investment, meaning the money you made after you break even.

So if you invested $1000 and made $1000 you made $1000 ROI! Now you have $2000.

I love talking with people about money because it shows me everything I need to know about them.

They could be like, “well aren’t you nervous about a recession?” That tells me that they’re cautious.

They also could say, “money doesn’t buy happiness, I don’t need any money to be happy!” That tells me they are fulfilled with life and don’t want to have any money problems.

Then there’s the people that say things like, “Did you see the market news this morning? Looks like the Dow is down a couple points and the Nasdaq is starting to make a bullish swing!”

Yes I’ve actually had that conversation by the way! That guy knew way more than I did about the market at the time!

Point being this, people who talk about money in a good way have this subtle money attraction towards them.

People who see money as a tool more than a necessity generally have a lot more money than the person who sees it as a necessity.

Money gets turned off to people who are desperate for it, such as that hot girl at the club getting hit on by every guy there. She just gets turned off, but loves the attention.

Same goes for money, those who use money to make more money can attract more money into their life!

Not only this but you also attract like minded people in your life! Helping you gain more money in your circle!

So, which person are you? Are the person who is always worried? Or the person who is content with not having much money and living happy? Or are you gonna be a big dog who’s gonna talk about it 24/7 and grow your circle and your money and leave a legacy and financial freedom onto your kids and family?

The choice is yours, because money talks! So let’s talk money! 💰

New habits and old friends

If I sent you this, I don’t consider you a friend.

I consider you family! You are part of my family and my little circle I surround myself with!

I’ve been so busy lately I’ve lost track of how much time I’ve been spending on the grind and less time on the unwind.

I believe in the rule that states, “you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”

The reason I believe this is because when you hangout with a friend or significant other you pick up on their habits.

I’ve been extremely happy lately and I love it! I just miss some people and I want to change my life for the better.

Right now I’m working on real estate deals and I’m working for my girlfriend and I’s future together!

Also! I’m picking back up on vlogging, I’ve decided I want to relive memories by watching them later on!

I even bought a new camera! The Sony zv 1! It’s perfect for what I need it for and to take on adventures!

I’m actually adopting new habits lately as well! Such as:

  • Limiting my procrastination.
  • Finding ways to stop worrying so much.
  • Learning different techniques to help with my mental health.
  • Finding ways to appreciate the small things everyday!

I’m also doing as much research and learning as I can to get ready to dive deep into real estate as a real estate investor!

Life’s been moving forward, I’m trying not to get left behind but it’s so fast paced. It’s CRAZY! Like we’re already in 2022 and I’m still trying to process 2019.

TIME IS JUST FLYING. I hate it, 1 minute it’s 5pm, next minute it’s 7:30pm and it went by before we knew it!

All in all, I’m excited to start vlogging again, dive deep into real estate and see where these new habits are gonna take me!

3 brutal mistakes you’re probably making as a new investor

Are you a new investor trying to understand that whole new world you’re getting ready to take on?

If yes then this definitely for you! I assume you already have your brokerage account set up. I use Webull!

So, I see you with that blank stare staring at those graphs wondering, “what in the heck am I looking at?”

I’ve been there! We’ve all been there. Lucky for you I’m here to help! So, let’s get started!

Here are the 3 brutal mistakes you’re probably making as a new investor:

  • Not contributing to your portfolio.
  • Following the tide.
  • Not doing your own due diligence.

Contributing to your portfolio is a huge deal, I mean a HUGE deal. Don’t expect to throw $5 and make $100 over night. This isn’t a casino.

A solid contribution is contributing money you’re okay with losing if that we’re to happen, and it does. That’s part of the process!

Contributing money over time helps your portfolio grow, in most cases, exponentially faster! That’s what you want!

But beware, you must be careful of PUMP AND DUMPS. These stocks rise quick and fall even quicker, usually followed by hype.

I call this following the tide, going into an investment blindly because others are in it and you see “potential” based off of what someone said.

Do yourself a favor and do your own due diligence before you even think about touching a stock!

Trust me when I say this, you will be happy you took the time to look at the graph, the financials and all that fun stuff nobody ever reads.

With great investing comes great learning, contributing, and doing your own research and due diligence.

If there’s any other advice I want you to hear it’s this.

By the time you hear about a stock pumping it’s already too late.

Don’t follow the tide, be a leader and make your money for you!

New year goals!

What’s going everybody! Welcome to 2022! I’m sure we all have goals we want to accomplish before 2023 and I’d like to share mine with you!

Before we begin, I’d like to thank each and everyone of you have read my blog over the years!

Without you this would just be bleh. So thank you, and I hope I have helped you in some way!

Now, my main 3 goals this year is to:

  • Grow closer with my family, friends, and girlfriend.
  • Invest in real estate
  • Start my own business

Growing closer with my family is gonna be a tricky one, simply because I work for them.

Over the recent years my mental health hasn’t been the best and it all falls to my job. I hate it, it’s frustrating and really I don’t see an end game for me there.

Working with family can either be great or really bad, for me it’s been bad. I want to get closer with them and stop the fighting but the business is making all of us hate each other.

I don’t want that anymore, I want us to be tight like we were before, so my goal is to put my ego aside and try and make peace with my family.

Then we have real estate, if you’ve been reading for a while you know I’m big into the stock market!

Real estate investing is big for me because it will unlock yet another source of income! I’m also going to be adopting the BRRRR strategy!

BRRRR stands for Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat. Basically meaning to buy something that needs work, rehab it, rent it out and then take out any equity in your home to finance your next deal! Then repeat!

I’m also gonna do a couple flips to get money generated and then make some serious rental property money!

Also, let me get one thing straight. I’m not a greedy person, I know I talk about money a lot and that’s because of the freedom behind it!

I’m building a future with my girlfriend and plan on marrying her and having kids and a family with her! So, I’m going to get everything going this year!

Lastly, I want to start my own business. I’m not sure what yet, I may just make The Posh Club another source of income!

The Posh Club is a social network of likeminded investors, entrepreneurs, and everyday people looking to build wealth through investments and cryptocurrency.

We are a Facebook group for now, but my buddy Gavyn and I have a little business idea we’re working on for the coming year! So definitely stay tuned for that!

I’m going to include our Facebook page URL so you can take a look at everything going on with The Posh Club and listen in on our podcast and read what we teach!

Thank you all again for supporting Better World Project! It has been an absolute pleasure through the years to write blog post for your viewing and learning!

Happy 2022! Let’s make the best of it!

Why I love books!

Most people dread reading, trust me I was one of them!

We hate it because it feels like a waste of time, we don’t know how to enjoy it.

Well if you’re still reading fiction story books then I don’t blame you, I hated reading those!

As we get older we start to read more knowledge based books, I’m reading “The book on Rental property investing” by Brandon turner right now!

Great thing I’ve learned about reading is that you can learn in a couple hours what the author has learned over the years and decades!

Knowledge is a big super power to have, knowledge is what makes you powerful!

Books have grown on me over the years, I tend to stick to these kinds of books:

  • Money and investing
  • Busikess
  • Networking
  • Sales
  • Self improvement
  • Real estate

Books are fascinating! Let’s not forget audiobooks as well, Audible is a life saver for people like me who just don’t like sitting and reading for a long period of time!

Books unlock a special spot in my mind, a creative spot and the knowledge I gain from reading is greater than any degree I could’ve achieved!

I encourage you to go pick up a book on self improvement or networking! Those 2 niches will definitely change your life!

Lacking discipline

Have you done any searching within yourself lately?

I have, that’s why I’ve been away for so long. I came to a major realization on why I’ve been feeling unhealthy lately.

I’ve been lacking discipline.

Discipline is the major factor between getting what you want and wishing for it.

I can wish for a better body, but eating sugary foods and drinking soda every day won’t let that happen.

I can wish for a bigger bank account, but not working or investing won’t let that happen.

Also a little life update! I recently got into a very happy and healthy relationship with the girl of my dreams and we’re doing fantastic!

I started working for my dads new company, not sure how long that’s going to happen for because I absolutely hate it.

I am having truck problems and looking to sell it.

That’s about it!

Now back to the blog, lacking discipline. Lacking discipline will have you missing more opportunities than you think.

You missed the opportunity for a better body by letting Netflix give you comfort. Allowing you to binge watch and eat and waste your time.

You missed the opportunity to invest your money because you decided to work only 3 days out of 6/7, now you’re down bad and in survival mode.

I want you to stop procrastinating. This is also a message for myself, I am a master procrastinator.

You know what procrastination is? Lacking discipline!

For the rest of the year let’s work on that together! Right now I’m writing a “what I want list” and I may post it on here in one of my upcoming blogs!

Stop lacking, start stacking and get cracking! Time is running out! Let’s change our lives and others lives around us!!

Stomach the loss, and keep pushing!

This blog is a financial blog today, specifically talking about investing and the stock market!

My mom and I had a conversation the other day about stocks. She wanted my opinion on it and what stocks to look into.

Understand, I’m an honest person. Maybe too honest!

So, she asked me this, “what can I buy into that will 100% guarantee I won’t lose money?” I said, NOTHING of course!

So she says, “I know I wouldn’t be able to handle watching me lose money, but I really want to get into stocks.”

I told my mom flat out that she couldn’t handle it and that it’s better for her to work for a living.

Understand that with any investing there’s always some loss, minimizing those losses is what you need to focus on!

This is called “beating the market.”

Imagine watching your money fall in the drop of covid last March. March 20th was the worst drop since the 2008 crash.

Smart investors were buying at this time while the people who couldn’t stomach the loss were selling to save their own asses.

Those who bought and held are reaping SERIOUS rewards for being smart about buying that drop and even averaging down!

Loss is temporary in the market, it always climbs back! Even if you believe the sky is falling and the stock will never come back up, it will!

Unless it’s a penny stock. We stay away from those. Blue chips are where it’s at!

Learn to stomach a loss for a massive gain and watch your portfolio grow and your wallet get FATTER! 😎

Money is for…

I’m coming out clean, if money is only for paying bills then you’re a miserable person. Why work to only pay bills?

I’ve been there and done that and let me tell you, it’s horrible.

Money is made for 3 reasons:

  • To pay bills
  • To grow it
  • To enjoy it

How can you build it if all you do is pay bills with it? I understand having to live. On the other hand, why live that way? It’s RIDICULOUS.

Majority of people live paycheck to paycheck, and it’s my journey to get this to stop.

Investing your money isn’t risky! It’s riskier that you actually hold onto it. Inflation is rising, meaning your dollar value is falling.

Money is for opportunity, if you don’t have it when opportunity presents itself you will kick yourself for not having it.

Want to buy that stock drop? Can’t, you don’t have the money for it. Want to buy that real estate deal? TOO BAD. Want to start that business, oh wait, that cost money as well.

I keep my money in portfolios, not banks. Craziest thing is, anyone can do this!

Simply open a brokerage account through:

  • Fidelity
  • Webull
  • Robinhood
  • TD Ameritrade
  • M1 finance

I’m tired of you feeling broke all the time and not enjoying your life. Understand that money is meant to be grown!

When you understand this the possibilities become endless!

I started with $130, and now I’m up 212% within a year in the stock market. You can do this. Don’t limit yourself!

Money is for growth, opportunities, and a less stressful life! Get investing! Your future depends on it!

Apply pressure

There’s an old saying that’s been running through my mind lately, “get comfortable being uncomfortable.”

You see, comfort is THE strongest drug on the planet. Forget Meth and Heroin, comfort keeps you stuck for a lifetime.

Comfort is so powerful it takes away from your hopes and dreams that you work to accomplish.

Give a person a steady paycheck and they will never chase their dreams if their comfortable.

You NEED to apply pressure to your life, because otherwise you’re stuck.

Apply pressure NOW, as Grant Cardone says, “pay the price NOW, you’ll thank your older self.”

Pressure equals exposure, EXPOSE YOURSELF TO NEW THINGS.

Expose yourself to new surroundings, a new network, anything that will level you up.

Because guess what? Once you’ve been exposed to it 2-3 times it’s not scary anymore, it’s normal now. You’ve leveled up!

Applying pressure in your life literally does nothing but increase your life and the fulfillment that comes with it.

The more your exposed to, the more valuable of a person you become!

Here’s a list of everything I have exposed myself to to become a better well rounded individual:

  • Books.
  • Podcast.
  • Blogs.
  • Trying new places.
  • Going to business venues.
  • Talking with high value people.
  • Risking my money in investments.
  • Going my own way instead of the easy way.
  • Sacrificing weekends and family time.
  • Extra hours at work.
  • Reading an extra 10 pages a day.
  • Waking up early.
  • Going to sleep early or late if I need to get something done.
  • Being productive instead of busy.

That list can go on FOREVER. Because self improvement is a never ending thing.

Apply pressure to your life and watch how fast you grow as a person and as a professional!

When you get your dream job, car or house. Remember to thank me for getting you lifted up and applying pressure to your life that made that happen!

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