My personal 10 rules for a better life! (How you can change your life for the better!)

What’s up everyone! LONG time no see! I can’t even remember the last time I posted anything in this blog!

Time has flew by! World has gone crazy and fear mongering is doing its work at its finest (you can thank tik tok for that.)

So, what have I been up to? I’m glad you asked! Well, I started a photography/videography business Clark Capital Media, I’ll make sure to add my info on that down below!

I also have ventured off into the world just exploring who I am as a person and what I really want out of life!

I’m still with my beautiful girlfriend! we’ve been together for 1 year and 9 months and I’m planning on popping the question very soon!

Also I moved into my girlfriend’s apartment and we have 2 beautiful, awesome cats named Ash and Luna!

I’m starting to realize that life is amazing! But short. In these times it’s hard to see the bright side of life when it just keeps bringing you down.

But, there’s always an upside to every downside! Today, I’m gonna help you swing your life back upwards with these 10 rules that I follow personally that I felt I needed to share with you!

If that sounds interesting, let’s get started!

Rule 1: Trust God bro

I’m a faithful believer in God and Jesus Christ, I understand that his plan is way better than my plan!

His plan is to bring abundance to your life, and to give you all of life’s blessings! All you need is a little faith!

Trust God and know that he is always looking out for your best interest! Don’t forget to pray, prayer changes things! Faith changes things! Always put God first and watch how great your life changes!

Rule 2: Write it down

We all have goals we want to achieve, and we can definitely achieve them! But what if there was a better way to accomplish them faster? Would you do it?

Writing your goals down and putting them somewhere you see them everyday is crucial!

Me personally I tape my goals to my mirror and read them everyday before work and everyday before I go to bed.

This way my mind is focused on the small victories I have to make to make my goal an accomplishment!

Rule 3: Cut the noise

With this fast paced world we live in it’s hard to keep track of how many things we have going on you have to find time to do something you enjoy!

I personally take 30 minutes sometimes an hour walking or riding around taking photos every couple days to ease my mind and get my creative flow going!

And listen, if anyone tells you they do this every single day they’re lying! Who honestly had an extra hour to spare? Am I right!

Rule 4: Do for love, not for gain

I absolutely HATE when people have to showcase how great of a person they are by recording themselves giving money or food to homeless people.

I’d rather take your phone and throw it in a lake. If you’re doing this, you’re a piece of shit. Period. I don’t care about your likes and honestly I hope more people hate you for it.

If you’re going to be a helping hand do it out of generosity, not for clout. This has become a big issue in the new societal standard that just needs to stop. Keep it between you and God.

Rule 5: Learn one new thing every week

This is why I hate influencers, making you believe you need to know everything within 3 days. COME ON! I can’t believe how much bs I hear out there.

If you want to start painting, START PAINTING! Don’t go on a month long research about the best paint, or best techniques without utilizing what you’ve learned.

Analysis Paralysis is real and it’s stopping you from hitting your potential. Set aside some time for you to learn what you want to learn!

Imagine how far you’d be if you just started now compared to still researching and analyzing a couple months from now!

Rule 6: Competition is everything

I hate the way schools are trying to make kids see competition as a bad thing. Competition is what makes you grow!

Without competition what would the world be? Just a bunch of people playing it safe? That’s boring!! Life is about competition, it’s what wakes me up in the morning!

The best competition is competition against yourself! Compete against yourself to be better than yesterday and see how far you’ll go!

Rule 7: Never follow blindly

Influence is everywhere, always make sure to do your own research before committing to any action.

Following blindly could be as simple as listening to a friends new stock pick, or choosing to buy a product you seen on TikTok. Never follow blindly!

Rule 8: Control your emotions, control your world

Emotions can be a B*TCH sometimes, and it’s equally as hard to manage them. Especially with the stresses of today.

One truck I use to control my emotions is to just breathe, analyze, think, act! Say TADA to BATA! Breathing is the most important part of this.

Breathing gives you a second to analyze, analyzing gives you a second to think and thinking gives you a second to act! Keep this in mind and control your emotions!

Rule 9: Cut the fat

When you read this you probably thought of the gym! That’s not the fat I’m talking about.

I’m talking about the fat that lurks in your life, the fat that weighs you down and stops you from your potential!

I’ve had to cut friends out of my life, even cut family out of my life! Toxic relationships are the downfall to many brilliant minds and people!

By cutting the fat out of your life, you open up new doors and opportunities in your life! This is definitely easier said than done but when done watch how your life will change!

Rule 10: Be true to who you ARE

Stop faking it playa! It’s not worth it, you will lose yourself in this fantasy version of the person you think you are.

Always without a doubt stay true to who you are! Are you goofy? Smart? Class clown? Whichever you are be true to yourself and others around you!

Look, it’s a hard life out here! Nobody ever said it would be easy.

With these 10 rules I personally use I’ve helped my life stay great for the most part! I’ve obviously had my ups and downs!

I really hope this helped you today and that it helps you in the future! Also, as promised! I will link my photography business page below!

I’m a freelance travel photographer and I always love meeting people who have read my blogs and if we can get a pic in together that would be awesome!!

God bless you all and thank you for reading till the end! 😁

Clark Capital Media ⬇️

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