Apply pressure

There’s an old saying that’s been running through my mind lately, “get comfortable being uncomfortable.”

You see, comfort is THE strongest drug on the planet. Forget Meth and Heroin, comfort keeps you stuck for a lifetime.

Comfort is so powerful it takes away from your hopes and dreams that you work to accomplish.

Give a person a steady paycheck and they will never chase their dreams if their comfortable.

You NEED to apply pressure to your life, because otherwise you’re stuck.

Apply pressure NOW, as Grant Cardone says, “pay the price NOW, you’ll thank your older self.”

Pressure equals exposure, EXPOSE YOURSELF TO NEW THINGS.

Expose yourself to new surroundings, a new network, anything that will level you up.

Because guess what? Once you’ve been exposed to it 2-3 times it’s not scary anymore, it’s normal now. You’ve leveled up!

Applying pressure in your life literally does nothing but increase your life and the fulfillment that comes with it.

The more your exposed to, the more valuable of a person you become!

Here’s a list of everything I have exposed myself to to become a better well rounded individual:

  • Books.
  • Podcast.
  • Blogs.
  • Trying new places.
  • Going to business venues.
  • Talking with high value people.
  • Risking my money in investments.
  • Going my own way instead of the easy way.
  • Sacrificing weekends and family time.
  • Extra hours at work.
  • Reading an extra 10 pages a day.
  • Waking up early.
  • Going to sleep early or late if I need to get something done.
  • Being productive instead of busy.

That list can go on FOREVER. Because self improvement is a never ending thing.

Apply pressure to your life and watch how fast you grow as a person and as a professional!

When you get your dream job, car or house. Remember to thank me for getting you lifted up and applying pressure to your life that made that happen!

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